Yes, I'm suggesting a movie for this weekend. If you've never seen Clue before, I highly recommend it. It's got a stellar cast and it's two hours campy fun and slightly lame humor. I don't know about you, but I need a good laugh on a daily basis. Besides, Tim Curry plays the butler. I adore Tim Curry. Hurry, add it to your Netflix queue!
Okay, I got nothin'. I spun more of Plaid but I didn't do any dyeing. I really need to get 8 hours of sleep at night and I haven't managed that once this week. As a result, I'm rather boring tonight. So, I'll leave you with more roving that'll be up on Middle Kingdom Fiber a week from tomorrow. These are all BFL roving I dyed in the crockpot over the summer. I think you'll find these photos are much better than the ones I posted in July.
Berries. This one is my favorite.
Tutti Frutti.