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February 24, 2008



ooh, ooh! I may have a solution! Buy into a fiber CSA--that way you're supporting a small farmer, you don't have to do the work yourself, and you get the slightly less vicarious joy of seeing baby lambs and kids. I have a share in this one http://mvknits.etsy.com and and the baby angora goats are being born right now--SO CUTE! http://www.flickr.com/photos/susangibbs/ to see them.

Ok, enough gushing. Hope the babies cheer you up a bit. Oh, and if you didn't have fiber critters, I would imagine it would be easier to go away--chickens can fend for themselves for a day or two, yes?


Even without critters, land in the country sounds divine! I want that too, overlooking the Little Cahaba but far away from the college kids with their innertubes. Only problem is, I don't want to commute. Stupid job. Stupid money. :o)

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