Damn Typepad lost my post! Now I have to try and recreate it. There was swearing.
Anyway, so as I said the first time, I've been in a weird funk for a month or so now and I've badly neglected my store. I'll be recifying that this weekend when I go on a dyeing binge. I've got new dyes, some new colorways, and a boatload of roving. Take a look at this:
From left to right: 1 lb. of BFL, 2 lbs. of Superwash Merino and 1 1/2 lb. of Merino/Tencel. Dyeing Merino/Tencel will be a new experience for me and I'm very interested in seeing how it comes out. I love the sheen the Tencel gives the roving. I'm also going to try again handpainting the roving on plastic wrap, rolling it up and steaming it. I can get longer color runs that way. I'll be making a trip to Gordon Food Service for some monster rolls of plastic wrap. (The juvenile teenage in me really wants to completely wrap someone's car with the monster roll of plastic wrap. If you get up Saturday morning and find that your car was shrink wrapped during the night... um, it wasn't me. Really.) After I've restocked the store with roving, I'll start working on some of the large spindle boxes. The little ones aren't selling very well but there seems to be more interest in the larger ones. I think they're pretty cool myself but since I came up with the idea I suppose you can't really call me impartial.
It poured rain tonight, which made my veggies very happy. They've gotten so big since I potted them up. Oh, and I have a pepper! It's a little tiny thing about half the size of a pencel eraser but it's definitely a pepper! It's so darn cute. Yay, the bees like my plants! It's about time to tie up my tomatoes. I'd normally use tomato cages but I waited too long and they're too big now to get the cages in place.
Oh, and in the picture above, yes, that's a glass of milk. I love the stuff; there'll be no osteoporosis for me! Milk, it does a body good.
Those look lovely :). I used to drink so much milk when I was young my dad threatened to buy a cow. I think I'm 6' and my sister is 5'5" because I drank milk and she would sneak the dregs of my dad's coffee!
Posted by: Maggie | June 26, 2008 at 12:26 AM
you know that BFL looks pretty!is it a natural creamy caramel colour? - i am going to investigate and see if we can get BFL roving here in Oz ;)as ive never used it before.
Posted by: val | June 26, 2008 at 07:42 AM