I got an email today that I'm on standby for all three of my choices for the 3-day retreat and the 1/2 day workshops. Am I disappointed? You betcha. That means in order for me to go, 9 people have to cancel for my first choice, 23 people for my second and 3 people for my third choice, and for the retreat, 4 people need to bow out. I can feel the opportunity passing me by people. I'm not terribly wild about my third choice, which is my best chance naturally, so I may be visiting my cousins in Houston during the International Quilt Show after all. Not that they're second place by any means, I just was really excited to go to SOAR and learn from some of the best spinners around. Oh, well. Que sera sera. (I have no idea what language that is so please don't crucify me if I've butchered it.)
Strawberry jam. My project for tonight. See the pink bits? That's the foam I was supposed to skim off the top and didn't. Notice how it's oozed up around the wax. Yeah, it's not supposed to do that since that means the wax doesn't seal. Crap! I can't believe I made such a basic mistake. Now I have to figure out how to salvage the batch, other than popping the wax out, dumping the jam back into the pot, heating it to boiling and jaring it up again. What a pain. I may just give it away to people who will eat it immediately since it won't store this way.
Hey, Torchwood fans! You know who you are. Is anyone else really ticked off that they're killing off Owen! He's one of my favorite characters! He's rude, cheeky, and well, let's face it, rather hot. C'mon BBC! Is offing Owen really necessary? It's Torchwood for Pete's sake! Surely you can find a way to bring him back. Please! I'll send you a jar of jam. It's really good!
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