It's a rough example but since it's the first, I can be forgiven. The principle is the same: tuck one end of the roving between the twisted dangling part and wind the rest around until the distaff is "loaded." If I make another one like this, I'll neaten things up.
I watched "The Other Boleyn Girl" tonight. The movie was very well done, the acting was excellent and the costumes were glorious. I couldn't, however, get past the very obvious idea that women were cattle and they were expected to do anything, including whoring with the King, if it meant it would advance their family, or more specifically, the men in their family. After watching that movie, I've never been more glad to have been born in the 20th century in America. There are still some parts of the world where women are still cattle and subservient to the will of men, and I find that thought so completely abhorrent that it makes me very, very angry that it's still happening.
Some day when I'm not exhausted and prone to ranting, I'll tell you just how angry gay-bashing, pushy militant Christians and narrow minded people make me. Mostly I just get angry at people who allow their fear to think for them, allow religions to think for them or allow political parties to think for them. If you're going to check your brain at the door, for God's sake, just stay home.
glad you liked the movie ;) but you know if it was me whoring that mighty fine looking king, id have absolutely no objections either *lol*!!!
Posted by: val | October 08, 2008 at 04:55 AM
What - you didn't watch the debate? :o) I'm not even sure why I watched it, I know who I'm voting for. I guess I'm hoping McSame will f-up badly and I'll get to see it live. Isn't that awful?!?
Posted by: elizabeth | October 08, 2008 at 10:34 AM
I'll have to check that one out...maybe :)
Becky, you're it!
Posted by: Maggie | October 09, 2008 at 04:17 PM