The rain we got Saturday afternoon! OMG! Reports say we got 10 inches of rain in one hour! Holy cow! The park kittycorner to my condo is flooded. I've been here nearly 10 years and I've never seen that park flooded. Oh, and so did my basement. *&^%#@! It didn't flood badly, just enough to be really irritating and to require me to cut the sopping wet area rug into strips so I can get it out. It's nasty! I HATE dealing with flooded basements. <sigh>
On a brighter note, Mom gave me some peonies:
Aren't they pretty? I went to my parents' place Saturday morning to build the second of my two potato boxes. I'll post pictures just as soon as I remember to take them while the sun it still up. The boxes will be planted with Rose Finn fingerling 'tatoes. Yum!
The rest of the weekend, I worked on my first Project Improv quilt:
The front and back are both done; when it's completed, it'll be about the size of a lap quilt or a baby blanket. I want to machine quilt this myself but I'll need to teach myself machine quilting first. It's not as easy as it looks.
Finally, a pic of Seli in her "nest":
Oh, I hate flooding basements. I used to have a house that flooded at least once a year. The worst was a January thaw that left 5 feet of water in my basement - furnace and hot water heater both underwater, circuit breakers kicking off one by one on the far side where I couldn't get to them to flip them back on. I finally had to grab my then 8-yr-old daughter and head for a motel, while we waited for the floodwaters to recede and the pump to clear the basement. Most years I only got a foot or two of water, after the sump-pump would burn out from overuse. I don't miss that house at all...
Posted by: gayle | June 07, 2010 at 07:42 AM