I just love how this came out. I hope you can see the gradient from light green through to pink/purple. The sparkly bits in the yarn are from the 20% silk. Now I just have to find the perfect shawl pattern. I have two more bobbins to ply but they're a lot smaller and if I knit with both finished skeins I'll get striping that I don't want.
It POURED last night, which naturally means there was water in my basement, so I don't have quilt pictures. I need someplace dry to hang or lay the quilt for its photo shoot. I'll get a pic next weekend.
This weekend is Maker's Fair Detroit. I'm volunteering Saturday in the needlework tent (so I don't have to pay the $28 entrance fee... yikes!) helping anyone who wants to learn cross-stitch. It's been quite a while since I did any cross-stitch but I'm pretty sure it's like riding a bike. Some essential, kill-the-boredom knitting will be coming along just in case no one comes by during my shift (11:30 to 3:30). I've heard some pretty impressive things about Maker's Fair so I'm pretty eager to check it out. Sunday it's more blueberry picking. They may be my only blueberries frozen this year so I need to make it count. Wish me luck that it's a productive day!
What are you doing this weekend?
That is beautiful! Did you Navajo ply it? I love the progression of colors. I see that it's 20% silk, but one has to wonder what the percentage of cat hair is!
Posted by: Nannette | July 29, 2011 at 07:36 AM
Gorgeous! Can't wait to see it knit up - it'll be a show-stopper of a shawl.
Entrance fee of $28?!? That's downright horrifying!
Posted by: gayle | July 30, 2011 at 08:32 AM