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November 27, 2011



I'm with you on black Friday. I stayed home and was glad of it, after seeing the news reports. Crowds like that scare me to death, not to mention that I really need my beauty sleep.

Perhaps Tyr might like to pack up that fingerling potato and bring it to Atlanta where Boris has discovered that a turkey wishbone is also a lot of fun to play with. I really can't say where it is at the moment, but it always turns up when I least expect it.


My black friday went a lot easier than previous ones. No one rammed me with a shopping cart or cursed me or anything... (As I think about it, I realize that I've never shopped on a black friday - I've always either been working, or stayed home eating turkey leftovers.)

Lucie Lu

Hi Becky,
How easy is the pattern for this lace edging? I am almost done with a shawl I am knitting, but I think it needs some sort of lace edge...

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