Storms ripped through our area last night. I got lucky and only had water in my basement (again!). The city of Dexter, however, got nailed by a tornado. A number of houses got flattened but there were no serious injuries. Dexter is only about 20 minutes from my place. We had tons of rain and inch size hail but, thankfully, no tornados.
We're supposed to have a gorgeous weekend with temps in the mid 70s. Hopefully, we won't have any more rain. I've got some cleanup to do in my basement, mostly wet cat litter. I'll be working on my caned chair most of the weekend, with maybe some quality time spent on my quilt-in-progress. No plans for St. Patrick's Day besides wishing my nephew Happy Birthday! What are your plans for the weekend?
I grew up in Kansas, so I know the kind of storms you're talking about. Spent a good chunk of my childhood in the basement, waiting for the all clear...
Glad you, the cats, and your place are all okay!
Posted by: gayle | March 16, 2012 at 07:23 AM
So glad you're okay! I heard about the tornado, but didn't know it was close to you. We've got temps in the 80s, about two months ahead of schedule. No fun.
Posted by: elizabeth | March 16, 2012 at 01:26 PM
Our temps in the mid 70s is about 3 months ahead of schedule. Its been so warm here, if we get a freeze, its going to wreak havoc with the flowers and the trees. It could kill the fruit crop.
The tornado in Dexter was only a street away from my girlfriends house. They lost a few shingles and some of the siding on their house is loose but thats about it. The neighbor across the street lost his garage completely.
When I stop learning, Id better be dead.
Posted by: Becky | March 16, 2012 at 02:16 PM
The rain came down in buckets and the thunder was continuous. I havent seen a storm that big in a while. Now I just need to clean the litterbox sludge out of the basement. The reall annoying thing is Id planned on cleaning the basement tonight or tomorrow. Now, not only do I have to wait until the floor drives, but I have to clean up the litterbox sludge that before I would have just vacuumed. Grr.
When I stop learning, Id better be dead.
Posted by: Becky | March 16, 2012 at 02:19 PM