The classes were fun but not something I'd ever do again. Still, I made some fun scarves. Will they ever be worn? I have no idea.
And the two bandanas:
I'm not sure this one is done. I might take some rubber stamps and permanent ink to it. Maybe. What do you think?
I told myself I wasn't going to buy any fiber since I already have more then I'll spin before it felts itself. But then I went and bought a new drop spindle:
And since I had to play with my new spindle, I bought some fiber:
Clockwise from the top: 2 oz. 50/50 baby camel/Merino, 2 oz. 50/50 yak/silk, and 1.5 oz. brown cashmere. I orginally bought the silver yak/silk to spin on the spindle but then I found some 3/4 oz. batts that were pretty, fun and wouldn't take long to spin. So I bought one.
One of the red ones above and spun it into a little skein. Sorry, I didn't think to get a picture. When I took the skein back to to woman I bought it from, I ended up buying the green art batt. Then it occurred to me: how about a trade? She agreed and I traded the skein I'd just spun for two more of the red batts. She now has a sample skein to show how the batts spin up and I now have two more batts to play with. Everybody wins.
The one and only time I warped my rigid heddle loom, the warping peg cracked. My friends found someone selling them so I bought these:
I really only need the one on the right but if that one ever cracks, I can cut the one on the left in half and I'll have two more. Since they're made of red oak, I'm hoping that won't be necessary.
I really had a great time. The weather was perfect, my classes were fun as was the shopping. I learned a couple more constellations and that some of the apps for the iPad are way cooler than ones for the Nexus 7. Sheri has an app called Go Star Watch (I think) that is brilliant. All you do is point it at whatever sky body you want to identifiy and it'll tell you. It'll even tell you the starts and constellations on the other side of the planet. It uses GPS but doesn't need a phone/wifi connection. I deeply desire that app on my tablet but there isn't a comparable one. Darn!