Washed and blocked. It was a hit at my Guild meeting Saturday. It's prettier in person. This picture doesn't do it justice.
I indulged my inner geek again. I just couldn't resist:
My extra change is safely stored in my new TARDIS bank. Being a geek is so much fun!
I'm considering ending my blog. My heart hasn't really been in it for a while now, as I'm sure you can probably tell. I'm officially taking a poll: do you want me to keep writing? Because if YOU aren't interested in reading any more, then what's the point? Let me know.
I know that blogging is a lot of work, perhaps if you limited it to once a month for a while it would become fun again.
I have been a lurker for a long time and enjoy your blog. Always colorful and full of projects that I want to try. And who can resist Dr. Who? Would miss your blog and the darling fur-faces that live with you.
Posted by: Syd | September 16, 2013 at 09:04 AM
But Cuz!
How would I get to be inspired by projects, or in awe of new Doctor Who thingamajigs, or adorable cat photos if you stop your blog?!?
I'd miss getting to here about what's going on up north, but if the blogs not fun, then whats the point?
And we could just email more :)
Love you lots!
Posted by: Cousin Lu | September 19, 2013 at 09:48 PM
Darn, my computer is glitching and I get it back on line and find you are shutting down for a while. Okay. You're still bookmarked. :) See you later...
Posted by: Helen | September 24, 2013 at 07:00 AM
Well, that's what I get for getting so far behind in my blogreading... (And damn you, feedly, for being so goofy.)
I've been having a hard time summoning up the energy to post, myself, so I certainly understand. But I'll miss you. Hopefully, you'll come back after a nice rest.
Posted by: gayle | October 15, 2013 at 12:38 PM