Little House in the Suburbs: Backyard Farming and Home Skills for Self-sufficient Living
I still haven't given up the idea of having my own house, either in the country or in the 'burbs. This book holds basic info on gardening, keeping chickens and home skills, like soapmaking. The writing is entertaining and very approachable. It gives me ideas of what I want, and frankly, how much land I'm going to need as a bare minimum. I still want an asparagus bed, a few fruit trees, a couple rhubarb plants, bees, a garden, some blueberry and raspberry bushes... hmm, the suburbs might now have enough land for me now that I think about it. Oh, I have such dreams...
You would think, after so many Christmases with my dad under the kitchen sink, that I would know not to put too much down the garbage disposal. Yeah, apparently not. Thirteen and a half years in my condo and I've plugged the kitchen sink for the first time. I tried plunging and that only got me soaked, and let me tell you, it was truly disgusting. Then I tried Liquid Plummer. Nothing. And now I can't plunge because the darn stuff in sitting in my sink and I'd rather not burn myself. <sigh> I have an appointment with Roto Rooter tomorrow to have my drain snaked. I really wish I would have watched when Dad did it so all those Christmases ago so I could do it myself now.
It's strawberry season and I'll be picking on Sunday. We're supposed to have a sunny, warm weekend so the berries should be beautiful. Sunday afternoon, I'll be making Strawberry jam. Since it's also rhubarb season, I'm thinking of making Ginger Rhubarb jam, too. So much jam, so few opportunities to eat it. I always end up with far more jam than I can possibly eat. Guess the family and friends will be getting jam for Christmas this year.
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