The Icy Hand of Death cowl. I love how it turned out! In fact, I enjoyed knitting this so much, I want to knit another one. With the exception of socks and mittens, making the same pattern more than once doesn't interest me. Usually. No buttons on the one. If I buttoned it, it would be too tight around my neck and I'd be itching all the time. I can't wear turtlenecks for that same reason.
I'll be on vacation next week on Sanibel Island with my parents and sister. (Hey, my Sanibel friend, if you're still reading, leave me a comment and maybe we can meet at the Sanibel Bean next week.) There's supposed to be thunderstorms on Saturday when we arrive so hopefully that'll mean good shelling Monday or Tuesday. The temps have been dropping all week here in SE Michigan - it was 12F this morning with the wind chill - so as long as I get to see the sun and it's above 60F, I'll be happy. Fortunately, it's supposed to be warmer than that. I'll have pictures when I get back. Cheers!
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