By Maggie of Little Grey Cat. Just like Maggie, this is my first game of e-tag.
These are the rules: 1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog; 2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird; 3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog; 4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Hmm, random or weird facts. Let's see...
1. When I'm feeling like life is running out of control, to feel better, I sometimes watch Resident Evil 1 or 2 because Alice really kicks butt. I think that one can go into the "Weird" category. 2. Like Maggie, I long for the day when I don't work for someone else, only for myself. I think self-employment would be great. Now if only the economy would improve... 3. I love canning and preserving food because I like the feeling of security it gives me. If something should go wrong with the world, I'll be able to feed myself and my family. I suspect that there's a strong instinctual urge going on with that one. 4. I find John Barrowman, Hugh Jackman, Oded Fehr and David Tennant so incredibly beautiful, they make me weak in the knees and if I were ever to meet any of them, I'd likely say something really deep and eloquent like, "Gah." Yeah, I'm a dork. 5. I'm a complete SciFi geek and proud of it! I want my very own sonic screwdriver because, how cool would that be!; I plan on knitting a Dalek; and I'm absolutely positive that in some parallel universe, the TARDIS really is traveling through space and time. (Oh, and I know what TARDIS stands for - Time And Relative Dimension In Space). Okay, that was all Doctor Who geekiness but I really am a geek in other SciFi-related matters. 6.
I choose my spinning fiber by how it feels as much as by how it looks. If it doesn't feel nice in my hands, I'm not going to enjoy spinning it and I'm certainly not going to want to wear it. (Stupid Typepad keeps screwing up my formatting. I've tried 4 times to line the "6" up with the text and it keeps saving the text below the number. Stupid Typepad! I'm so glad they decided to "improve" the software.)
7. Small amounts of lucious fibers I spin on the drop spindle to make the experience last longer. I'm currently spinning an ounce of cashmere I bought at the northern Michigan fiber show.
I don't think I know 7 people to tag but here goes:
- Val is the mama of two pugs and spins and knits amazing things.
- Jacki of Yarn Zombie is a spinner, dyer, knitter, photographer extraordinare and she makes the most beautiful batts.
- Beth of Three Sheeps to the Wind. Beth owns our local spinning store and we are darn lucky to have her and the store. If you want it, Beth probably sells it or can get it for you.
- Had I been able to go to SOAR, I would have met Elizabeth in person for the first time. I'm in awe of her knitting. Sorry I wasn't there, Elizabeth, to ease the new-kid-in-school moments.
Because my sister requested it, here's a shot of the new shelves I've put up in the basement:
It's not the greatest picture - there's another shelf up top - I was leaning against a table to get the shot. I could have taken the picture from another angle but then you'd see how trashed the rest of the basement looks and I'm too embarassed to show you that. Sorry Yen, you'll have to see it in all it's glory when you come to visit... or I suppose I could send you a pic from the other angle. It's not like you don't already know I'm a slob.
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