I found my stash of yarn from the sheep breed classes I took a few years ago. I had completely forgotten I still had them. Clockwise from the upper left we have Romney, Coopworth and Border Leicester. These are all long wools which means longer fibers, generally a nice shine and usually coarser than wools such as Merino and Corriedale. (Click here to see the various breeds and read all about them. There is a HUGE variety of sheep!)
I've been occasionally surprised by how some of the yarns has knitted up. These, clockwise from the upper left, are Blue-faced Leicester (BFL), Romeldale, Polypay and Texel. The two on the left are long wools and the two on the right are fine wools. All of these would make wonderful sweaters.
I'm contemplating making Pumpkin Butter this weekend. Here's my issue: I've always made my preserves/canning from fresh picked fruit. This time, however, I'm considering using canned pumpkin instead. It just feels like cheating to me to open a can instead of going to the local Farmer's Market and buying a local pie pumpkin, even though taste tests have shown that canned pumpkin is just as good as the fresh made stuff. I've even got a can in my pantry (my Pumpkin Cranberry bread is to die for!) ready to be used. So is it cheating if I pop open the can or should I just suck it up and go buy a pumpkin?
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